
Welcome to our new website

At Bethlehem Baptist Church, we understand that things have changed around us in these current times we are experiencing.  What has not changed is, the faith, spirit, and constant seeking of God’s face in what others call panic and desperate times.  Let’s remember that we must hold fast to our confession that, we walk by faith and not by sight!  Amen!

‌We also understand that God gives us leaders that share and shape our actions to a point, during these times.

‌For that purpose, we have moved into the new and exciting opportunities in which to deliver God’s word and hopeful message to our congregation.  We will now be live streaming our service and teaching by Pastor Willis through the YouTube platform.  To join us Sundays and Wednesdays online, just tap or click on the link to our YouTube channel.

‌Send in your tithes and offerings using the PayPal link on this website.  We are in this together, and together we shall Praise Him, with all our heart, mind, and soul.  Keep checking back, and more updates and information will be posted in our blog section from and on behalf of our Pastor, Darren Willis.

Visit our YouTube Channel:

Submit your Tithes and Offerings


Pastor Willis would like everyone to know that the church is open from 12:00pm to 12:30pm.

Please come and pray for our church during this time Monday thru Friday.

The food pantry is open every Friday  at 12:30pm for food distribution