Jesus, The Pastor – Our Model For Pastoral Ministry

Jesus, the Pastor. That title sounds strange when we hear it or say it for the first time, like an overstated stretch of the imagination. After more careful scrutiny, however, it seems clear that many expressions of Pastoral ministry started with Jesus; something He said, something He did, or something He challenged His disciples to do or be. That being true, it can easily be said that Jesus was the first Pastor of the Christian era. And what a Pastor He was! Jesus taught His original team of disciples how to do ministry by Pastoring them, inspiring them, stimulating them, challenging them, teaching them, praying with them, and showing them their future. He spent time, lots of time, with His disciples. He ate with them. He taught them Pastoral ministry lessons that they could never forget as they walked together to the next ministry sit. He loved them. He modeled ministry for them. And they learned as much about the “whys” as well as the “hows” of ministry as they watched Jesus minister to people in different settings. Jesus taught them ministry by doing ministry before them and by ministering to them.

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