Church Financial Management

The management of the financial resources of the church is a cooperative effort of the Pastor and church leaders. The Pastor is not solely responsible for the management task alone. However, the Pastor should never totally relinquish the responsibility of financial management to someone else. The Pastor should never be afraid to take the mantle … [Read more…]

View Your Church As A Living Cell

It is nearly impossible for a Pastor to see his church as a living cell of the everlasting Church when he bogged down with the confusing expectations of dear old Sister So-In-So or when he is dealing with the sad sorrow of a dying member’s loved one, not to mention the issues of his own … [Read more…]

Larger Blooms And Lasting Fruit

One reality is obvious: God wants every ministry to bloom, to bear magnificent fruit and to have strong roots. He wants His people fed and loved in every place. He does not, however, expect each Pastor to look alike, to grow at the same rate, or to have the same impact. That is why He … [Read more…]

Power And Wise Boundaries

The most painful lessons I’ve learned in Pastoral leadership have involved the exercise of power and having wise boundaries. Navigating the issue of power is a true test of both character and leadership. We’re more than willing to talk about the abuse of power when news breaks about a scandal in someone else’s life, but … [Read more…]

Credibility And Emulation

Leaders whose lives are consistent with what they profess both gain credibility and encourage their followers to emulate their behavior. Although leaders have the authority to exercise power, it is their behavior not their position that brings them the respect and credibility. That same behavior, in turn, not only gains leaders credibility but gives incentive … [Read more…]

The Inner Life

Leading a church that transforms the world requires more than the latest leadership strategies and techniques. Lasting change in churches requires Pastors who are committed to leading from a deep and transformed inner life. We lead more out of who we are than out of what we do, strategic or otherwise. If we fail to … [Read more…]

Above Everything Else Give Them Christ

From beginning to end, the Church is about Christ. The people worship Him. The Pastor works to please Him. He is Founder and Owner of the Church. And the work of the Church is to help people become transformed into His likeness. That means a life of purpose and focus; an adventuresome, abundant life. It … [Read more…]

Transformational Leadership In The Church

To move toward transformational leadership requires that Pastors and congregations be willing to create dynamic, active, developing ministries within the church that are responsive to the complex needs of its members and the community served by the church. In addition, as leaders of the church, we ourselves must engage in our own process of transformation. … [Read more…]

Nurture Your Call

Personal ministry with Christ is our essential source for ministry. Closeness to Christ creates strong character and takes us to the center of God’s redemptive activity among His people. Ability to preach, knowledge of the Bible and theology, and even ministerial experience are not sufficient. A call to ministry can accomplish incredible achievement beyond our … [Read more…]

Look For God In Our Limits

Our limits may well be the last place we look for God.We want to conquer limits, plan around limits, deny limits, fight limits, and break through limits. In standard leadership practice,we might even consider it a mark of courage or stepping out in faith to rebel against limits. But when we fail to look for … [Read more…]